2024. International Award for Outstanding Contribution to the ACE2-EU Alliance, presented to Prof. Maria Potes Barbas in recognition of her exceptional dedication and professionalism as Innovation Pro-President and Head of Research Unit at IPSantarém
2024. The Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency has awarded the FrontWinners – (Re)Skilling for Mentors with Immersive Experiences project, by the Digital Literacy Hub – Polytechnic of Santarém, an Erasmus+ honorable mention in the category of Cooperation Partnerships in Vocational Education and Training for the year 2023.
2024. Recognition. Digital Literacy for the Job Market course, has been added as a good practice in the online directory of the School And College Listings website.
SELO Uma ação INCoDe.2030 – Escape Room_A Entrevista
24 November. International Honourable Mention “Escape Room Idea of Innovation and Development”
05 April. Selo “Uma ação INCoDe.2030” – Escape Room_A Entrevista.
Selo de Qualidade do Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade 2021-2027