


18 de March. Auditórium 1 na ESE do IPSantarem; 14:30_16:30 Anabela Pais,Proteção de Dados (Ascendi) Nélia Lopes,  Código de Conduta (Ascendi)

27.03.2023 | WEBINAR: Cybersecurity – Carla Santos https://docs.google.com/document/d/15UJ8XUlYskqLijNTyv-WnOGmccNVCfYe/edit

17.03.2023 | WEBINAR: Code of Conduct – Nélia Lopes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gt3apIamKOqVg3gJO9LpavTbave-U8wz/edit

04.05.2023 | WEBINAR: Evaluation as an Improvement Agent – Vicenzo Scalcione https://docs.google.com/document/d/143K8zdaK3uAVPMVPUo0nF3ZOYT6NGHdL/edit

08.05.2023 | WORKSHOP – ChatGPT Iterations #1: What is ChatGPT and how does it work? | https://youtu.be/2cq3ChwpmKk

08.05.2023 | WORKSHOP – ChatGPT Iterations #2: Conversational Approach to Using ChatGPThttps://youtu.be/b1yVH975zEk

08.05.2023 | WORKSHOP – ChatGPT Iterations #3: Co-creation with ChatGPT| https://youtu.be/mb_rdBDDOTY

08.05.2023 | WORKSHOP – ChatGPT Iterations #4: Writing Emails in Your Voice | https://youtu.be/OJAPvWrLL8k

08.05.2023 | WORKSHOP – ChatGPT Iterations #5: Translations | https://youtu.be/G_LtEHhxmBI

08.05.2023 | WORKSHOP – ChatGPT Iterations #6: Summarising | https://youtu.be/M_sAODgFZYI

09.05.2023 | WORKSHOP – ChatGPT Iterations #7: Brainstorming | https://youtu.be/D000OVnSnF4

09.05.2023 | WORKSHOP – ChatGPT Iterations #8: Researching | https://youtu.be/cy6b2tjKr3A

09.05.2023 | WORKSHOP – ChatGPT Iterations #9: Round Table: The True Costs of ChatGPT on Humanity | https://youtu.be/BBNgi-kIhQc

09.2023 | Jump Into IPSantarém Pilot Project, for IPSantarém master’s students (co-organized with the Pro-Presidency for Innovation and the Communication and Information Systems unit) | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SAsLSLHTdVdKHzNwc81nOeZz2a9apPne/view

21.03.2022 | WEBINAR – Digital Literacy for the Labor Market Course: Dissemination, Presentation and Future Scenarios https://docs.google.com/document/d/15UJ8XUlYskqLijNTyv-WnOGmccNVCfYe/edit

13.05.2021 | Construction of an eLearning Course. Innovation Scenarios – Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility in DE. Maria Potes Barbas and Isabel Falé. Presentation: bit.ly/3bvMyj3. Recording: . Testimony Professor Fernando Ramos: youtu.be/PZVgSQkrqgE.

13.05.2021 | (Re)Construction of Innovative Contents in DE. Innovation Scenarios – Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility in DE. Maria Potes Barbas, Elena Amaral, Catarina Escrevente, David Torrezão and Juliana Semanas. Presentation: bit.ly/3wa0gzP. Recording:. What will EaD be in 10 years? Testimony by the Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Manuel Heitor: youtu.be.com/RhhViT8Ihrs

13.05.2021 | Scenarios of Building a CU in EaD. Innovation Scenarios – Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility in DE. Maria Potes Barbas, Ana Torres and Helena Luís. Presentation: bit.ly/3hwvr4k. Recording: .

04.03.2021 | Dissemination of KA2 International Projects Integrated in the Digital Literacy and Social Inclusion Hub. Webinars’2021 UIIPS. Ana Torres and Maria Potes Barbas. Recording: https://youtu.be/A8ivRDhnJnY. Ana Torres presentation: https://docdro.id/PfE2lvu. Presentation by Maria Potes Barbas: https://docdro.id/madEjrx

01.03.2021 | Recruitment and the Labour Market. Seminar on Multimedia Production in Education. Sílvia Nunes. Recording: https://youtu.be/7vGQuqKVxl4. Presentation: https://docdro.id/jwe7e37

22.02.2021 | Data Protection. Seminar on Multimedia Production in Education. António Rio Costa. Recording: https://youtu.be/bRu2-2FfehI. Presentation: https://docdro.id/oXgj5NT