


02.04.2024 | Transformação Digital das Instituições de Ensino Superior. Teatro Thalia.

10.04.2024 | Participation in the opening session panel of the ERASMUS+ Revealing Project multiplier event, which will be held in the Auditorium of the Instituto Politécnico de Santarém on April 10th, 2024, from 14h to 17h30. The ERASMUS + Revealing Project (Realization of Virtual Reality Learning Environments for Higher Education) in which I am a collaborating member of the project, via a national partner (Universidade Aberta), aims to create a VRLE (Virtual Reality Learning Environment) model on the VR Chat platform that can be adapted to different learning situations and contexts and according to the needs of teachers, researchers and students at Higher Education Institutions.

13.05.2024 | Internationalization Week. Innovative Cooperation network: Social Challenges. Have your say!


Lecture/live – International Women’s Day . Women and their impact on today’s world, at Teatro Sá da Bandeira in Santarém.

Conference – Higher Education as a Driver for Development and Territorial Cohesion – Campo Marior (Herdade das Argamassas) – Comendador Rui Nabeiro International Postgraduate Centre

Paulo Branco. Membro da comissão organizadora da Conferência Internacional eWomen in ICT, Portugal (22 de março de 2023 no Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas de Lisboa).

Paulo Branco. Membro da comissão organizadora do Encontro Entrepreneurial Women in ICT em Lisboa, Portugal (21 e 22 de março de 2023 no Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas de Lisboa).

Meeting of eLearning Institutions and Units in Higher Education – the eLIES, “Past, Present and Future(s) of EAD and eLearning in Portugal”

Meeting of the international MetaRed ICT 2022 working groups in Mexico

DIGICOM – 6th International Conference on Digital Design and Communication is organized by the Design School of the Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave and by Research Institute for Design Media and Culture (ID+) with the cooperation of Communication and Society Research Center, University of Minho (CECS-UM).

SEaD: IV Annual Meeting of the Distance Education Section of the Portuguese Society of Education Sciences under the theme: Digital Challenges for Education

European Research and Innovation Days – Research and Innovation event, bringing together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of research and innovation in Europe and beyond.

Webinar – Professional Qualification in Capacity Building for Workers in Public Services

Participation in the Internationalization of Education and Training Meeting

MetaRed Portugal Workshop. Digital Transformation in Higher Education

Presentation of SHARING OF GOOD PRATICES DIGITAL LITERACY FOR THE LABOUR MARKET COURSE as part of project INNOSID – Innovative Solutions based on Emerging Technologies for Improving Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities – event INNOSID HACKATHON 2022 Valencia, in Valencia, Spain.

Webinar. Social Inclusion, Equality, Rights and Values: CERV and Horizon Europe Programmes

25 years of FCT in Science: opportunities and challenges”, in representation of CIAC.

Paulo Branco. Membro da comissão organizadora do Encontro Entrepreneurial Women in ICT em Barcelona, Espanha (7 e 8 de novembro de 2022 no Centre d’Estudis Politècnics, Barcelona, Espanha).

Paulo Branco. Membro da comissão organizadora do Encontro Escape to Your Future em Barcelona, Espanha (25 e 26 de abril de 2022 no Centre d’Estudis Politècnics, Barcelona, Espanha).

Paulo Branco. Membro da comissão organizadora do Encontro Entrepreneurial Women in ICT em Girona, Espanha (21 e 22 de abril de 2022 na CoESPAI, Girona, Espanha).

Paulo Branco. Membro da comissão organizadora da Conferência Internacional Escape to Your Future em Lisboa, Portugal (19 de janeiro de 2022 no Instituto Superior de Tecnologias Avançadas de Lisboa).

Paulo Branco. Membro da comissão organizadora do Encontro Entrepreneurial Women in ICT em Magdeburg, Alemanha (21 e 22 de outubro de 2021 na FA Magdeburg, Magdeburgo, Alemanha).

Paulo Branco. Membro da comissão organizadora do Encontro Entrepreneurial Women in ICT em Santarém, Portugal (24 e 25 de junho de 2021 na Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém, Portugal).

Paulo Branco. Membro da comissão organizadora do Encontro Escape To Your Future, em Berlim, Alemanha (10 e 11 de junho de 2021 no Lernlabor Office, Alemanha).

From 17 to 23 May 2021 the Digital Literacy and Social Inclusion Hub of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém receives the visit of 9 Bulgarian and 3 Romanian teachers in a mobility funded by the Erasmus + KA1 programme “Teaching tolerance, diversity and active citizenship in the 21st century classroom“.

This 7-day course will empower participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to organise relevant training sessions for their students, so that they become more open and accept difference as an asset. The training course is the result of two KA2 cross-sectorial school education projects (Otherness and Me-You-Us), with Prosveta-Sofia Foundation as coordinator, being IPSantarém – Portugal, AENAO – Greece and SCS Danillo Dolci – Italy, project partners, in which a Handbook for teachers was developed, composed of 66 activities distributed by 3 modules: Human Rights, Diversity and Active Citizenship. Each module is accompanied by several multimedia objects, ready to use and intended to support the teachers’ work as mediators in the trainings they are expected to develop after having attended the course.






Workshop. Course “Team Canvas – for more aligned and productive teams”. Foundation for National Scientific Computing, Portugal

Meeting. Virtual Educa Connect – Educational Reset: Digital Ecosystems for human development. Virtual Educa, innovation, development and inclusion, United States.

Workshop. MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) Distance learning project developments – a path towards educational innovation. General Directorate of Education (DGE), Portugal

Meeting. Webinar “Validation of data collection instruments through statistical tests”. Research Unit of IPSantarém, Portugal

Seminar. School stories: How you will move forward with COVID19/remote learning. Microsoft Pacific Northwest District, United States.

Seminar. Remote Teaching in Higher Education: Setting up your virtual lab environment. Microsoft Pacific Northwest District, United States

Workshop. ONLINE LEARNING JOURNEY: The New Role of the Educator: Best Practices in Online Education. The New Role of the Educator: Best Practices in Online Education

Invite to as a panelist at the Seventh International Conference on Educational Innovation. Sharing ideas and experiences regarding educational innovation, participating in the panel on December 17th (December 14 to 18), 2020.

Invite to participated on-line broadcast of the Inauguration of the Academic Year 2020/2021, Bialystok University of Technology.

Participated in the European Research and Innovation Days. European, Commission, Brussels, 22-24 September.

Participated in the online seminar “How to react to higher education to COVID-19?”, Organized by Metared Portugal and FCT / FCCN. April 21st. https://youtu.be/Yb9d7hY-UOo

Participate in an online seminar “Distance learning in higher education for COVID-19”, as moderator and coordinator of the Educational Technologies Group in the panel – Sharing experiences of Portuguese HEI, organized by Metared Portugal and FCT/FCCN. April 15th http://eventos.metared.org/go/ensino-a-distancia-no-COVID-19 https://youtu.be/tj3YEdY4KiI

Ethics expert invitation ICT-38-2020 – Ethics reviewer. European Commission as an ethics evaluator in the domain of Digitising European Industry, which is part of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018-2020.

Participation to the 1st International Conference on Management, Technology and Truism: Social Value Creation, held School of Management and Technology, Polytechnic Institute of Santarém – Portugal, on 6th and 7th February.

Participated in the 1st Metared Working Groups Workshop. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campolide Campus. January 31st

Integrated the National Year of Collaboration through the initiative Training in Digital Literacy for the Labour Market. Forum for Integrated Governance.

Invitation from European Commission to make part oTwinning call Widespread 05 2020 Panel MAT remote consensus and CR preparation

“Hands-on: CiênciaCV and Repository”. Library Unit and Research Unit of IPSantarém. 1st of October, 2020.

Dynamisation of webinars aimed at the IPSantarém community, in the scope of IPSantarém’s Research Unit. https://uiips.ipsantarem.pt/webinars/

Event “Job Matching – Digital Literacy for the Labor Market course”. IPSantarém School of Education. 17 February, 2020.

Event “Networks, Research, Development and Innovation at IPSantarém. IPSantarém Research Unit. 5 February, 2020.

2020. Moderation of flash communication panel – Room 7 – Moderator: Cristina Novo – moderation of practical session: Collaborative work in literacy education: storyjumper and wordwall, by Ana Torres (ccTIC ESE-IP Santarém) – participation: Round table: coordinators of the participating ICT CCs. TIC@Portugal,’20, Educom Competence Centre, Portugal.
Programme: http://wordpress.educom.pt/TIC-Portugal-20/programa/