Evan Kapros, Founder, CEO & Strategic HCI Designer Endurae Voice Technology OÜ | Multimodal learning experiences
Sasho Koceski, IA especialist; professor north of macedonia university
Natasha Koceska, IA especialist; professor north of macedonia university
Gabriela Neagu, Cercetator stiintific II/Scientific Researcher II Institutul de Cercetare a Calitatii, Vietii/Research Institute for Quality of Life Academia Romana/Romanian Academy
Maria Koutsombogera, Co-founder, COO Endurae Voice Technology OÜ | Multimodal learning experiences
Dejan Mirakovski, Rector for International Cooperation, Goce Delcev University
Paris Cleanthous, Chair of the Department of Management, Director of MBA and MPSM
Jaqueline Fátima Roman, lawyer, researcher-extensionist professor of Basic Technical and Technological Education (EBTT) at the Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR)
Francieli Maria de Lima, Professor, lawyer, researcher and extension worker at IFPR-Câmpus/Palmas-PR, in the Bachelor of Laws course